Did the LOST finale collapse under the collective weight of expectations?
No, I don’t think so. The fans never expected to get the questions answered. And plenty had made peace with that .In fact it wouldn’t quite have been Lost, if after all was done and over with ,there was still not something to discuss and theorise and ponder about .
I think it collapsed because it played safe and coped out. I have read lots of threads and forums over 2 years and I know the intellectual level of the fans ..they always had very interesting insights and the writers read every idea on these forums. So why didn’t the writers take a cue, and listen to the sci-fi fans ? Why only go with the faith part of ‘man of science –man of faith’ debate? Why couldn’t it have been both? So far they had no problems juxtaposing both and giving us a balance.
Yes, Jack Shephard’s turning the circle was his series long arc,but surely purgatory was not the answer we were looking for.
I am not saying explain everything scientifically ..no we don’t want that ..that would kill the mystique and intrigue of the island, but when you decide to give us the big reveal, let there be no inconsistencies .Please be rational .And so upset are lost fans that there have been sprouting of sites dedicated to ‘alternate lost endings’. That is how much we cared about this show. Heartbreakingly, lost stumbles at the last stretch .
So now we are told,that the flash-sideways were something that the Losties created...and in this afterlife there is no now, so it could mean you’re able to spend eternity with everyone you ever loved, even people that aren’t dead yet, everyone you want to be with, is there, and that is a beautiful concept.But..but did we really need the flash sideways even if you want to send the castaways to afterlife. No, most certainly not.
And most of all, we were kept in dark of what the flash sideways actually were. I loved it when the purgatory theory was junked once and for all in Ab Aeterno but to come back to that ;revert to something that they had categorically denied all along is just- a cope out. And now I think that the on-island drama with the Man in Black would have been enough material for the final season, then why bother with the flash sideways and its contrivance.
So much so that The End was basically built from the premise of season 5 ending and the things that happened in previous seasons don’t hold much significance. Every season of lost has been a chapter in a book. And each chapter has been wonderful with its own however season 6 just seems the odd man out. Things were randomly arbitrary by the time ‘Across the sea’ aired. And for the record there were far better candidates for who Adam and Eve should have been ..
I liked the character moments in the finale ,Jack,Sawyer,Locke,Ben were amazing with their scenes,only I would have loved to said ‘awesome’ which I couldn’t .
However, I love Lost and would always cherish the moments, the dialogues ,the cliffhangers and the wait and expectation..A show which made me wonder ...how ,when and where will they start the next season from ? they had perfected to make outstanding season finales. Because the season finales of each of the five seasons left one scratching their heads ,because just around the corner of one massive plot twist, lurking would be another mind-bending reveal that would just mess with you. I loved it for being borderline incomprehensible and drove us to think .It made the unbelievable believable.
It made us care about characters on an island that had smoke monster, polar bears, a place where light didn’t quite scatter properly, where time wasn’t of the essence, it was the essence, where there’s a frozen donkey wheel that transports you time skipping and tripping, where whispers of the dead were common ,where you could see ghostly apparitions, where there was a button to push every 108 minutes .
Lost defied genres .
Each season I have seen it grow, defy odds of story telling and push us to think but to be honest I didn’t like the way it ended ..and even more honestly they made a mistake by not catering to the science fiction part of the fan community and to be brutally honest now I feel they made some of the things as they went along. They always said that lost ends in a beautiful, heart breaking and confusing way ..That had pretty much guaranteed that not many would survive till the end…only a few could make off the island .Okay, let the rest die and a few remain to be the new Jacob and be on the place where miracles happen.
I knew I’d be feeling empty as it would end, but not as empty as I did when it finally concluded.