Entourage opens with the star of the show Vincent Chase awaiting his debut film’ release ‘Head On’ with Jessica Alba. Vince is living the player's life in L.A. Along for the ride are his best friends: Eric and Turtle, who grew up with him in Queens, New York and Vince's brother, Johnny Drama. The boys spends most of their time relaxing at Vince's house in the Hollywood hills, shooting hoops, playing rooftop golf and entertaining ladies at the pool. But its not all about Vince, else it wouldn’t be called Entourage ..isn’t it.
Initially it does feel that the entourage is mooching off Vince’s stardom and money but they stick through a lot together and ultimately its about male bonding .
Season 3 has been the best until now.So, heres’ a list of top 10 entourage episodes
Talk Show Season 1, Episode 3
Partying after a boxing match, Vince runs into Jimmy Kimmel, who immediately does his best to get Vince to commit to an appearance on his show the following night. The encounter in the green room with Sara Foster and the whole interview on ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live ‘ goes off super fabulous which makes a great night for Vince and his entourage ,with more after party to follow.
The Scene Season 1, Episode 7
Eric is concerned over the choice of director, an Indie loose cannon named Billy Walsh, for Vince's new film. The tension is caused because of a particular bold scene written by Walsh in the script of Vince’s next movie –Queen’s Boulevard as Vince has second thoughts about doing the film. All the while, Drama lobbies for a supporting role, while Ari finds he can't mix business with pleasure.
New York Season 1, Episode 8
E has an epiphany while waiting outside for Vince to finish with one of his lady friends: he wants a title commensurate with his responsibilities. After seeking advice and support from Ari, he gets to work on pitching himself to Vince. When their dinner meeting ends on a sour note, it looks like Vince's entourage will be minus one. En route to the airport, Drama points out to Vince that he will never find a person better suited to be his manager. A few last minute surprises occur on both ends out on the tarmac.
Exodus Season 2, Episode 13
Classic Ari Gold episode. Drama and Turtle stalk Mandy Moore to prove to Vince that she’s cheating on him. Ari is deemed a traitor by his boss Terence and is fired from the agency, and Lloyd proves his loyalty to Ari amidst Ari’s tirade of stereotypes and racial slurs directed at any minority in his path. Ari insults thick and fast, anyone and everyone along the way, as only he can.
The Release Season 3, Episode 8
Vince and the entourage receive news that ‘Queens Boulevard’ will be receiving a nationwide release but not in its intended black n white version coloured so that studio can cash in on Vince’s Aquaman image. Ari is at his best when a little under pressure to deliver. Ari must compromise with a rival to avoid threats from a group of aggressive agents and ultimately forms Miller Gold. Watch how he says the new agency name sounds like a beer ! The press address by Vince is a must watch as he exposes the studio executives.
Vegas Baby, Vegas! Season 3, Episode 9
Non-stop laughs throughout. Seth Green has always had the number on E, and he continues to push E's buttons, insinuating he had a prior relationship with E's girlfriend, until Eric finally snaps, and a good old fashioned brawl ensues. Ari sweats as he finds himself a few hundred grand down at the blackjack table. But, the funniest story line revolves around Johnny Drama. Drama heaps so many compliments on his personal masseuse that the man, though not gay, thinks Johnny is and winds up waiting for Drama in bed, feeling obligated to perform whatever duties his client wants. Johnny just freaks out !!
What about Bob? Season 3, Episode 11
Ari and Bob have a hard time agreeing on how to pitch the Ramones script to the studios. To get rid of Bob, Ari sends him to the wrong studio. This results in both Ari and Bob selling the script…to both Universal and Warner Brothers. The ranting between Ari and oldie Bob is such roaring laughter. Drama is in a panic, as his pilot begins shooting. His monologue has been lengthened and there’s only one way to calm his nerves, only the whole crew is listening as he still has his mike on .Whoa, embarrassing!!
Sorry,Ari Season 3, Episode 12
Vince and the guys begin to look for other agents to represent him. Ari, hearing of Vince's shopping, fights with all his might to get back the movie. While looking at other agents, Vince realizes they are just too corporate for him and the "scumbag" Ari is the best in the business. When everything fails, Ari tries to win Vince back with a corporate-style presentation himself when all Vince wanted was an apology from Ari as a friend. This backfires because the boys find Ari to be just like everyone else now and fire Ari as they walk out of his office.
Welcome to the Jungle Season 4, Episode 1
A behind-the-scenes documentary about the filming of Medellín in Bogota, Colombia. Billy and E clash on the set about keeping the film on track. Billy becomes attracted to an actress which ends up disrupting the production. They go over budget and behind schedule and hire one of the best writers in the industry Steven Gaghan for a whopping fee but all in vain.Refreshing change from the normal LA life of Vinny and the boys.
Return to Queens Boulevard Season 5, Episode 12
A broke and out of work Vince returns home to New York ,as has fallen so far off the radar that directors are reluctant to let him audition after the failure and straight to DVD release of Medellín.Vince reconnects with his high school sweetheart and E stalks Gus Van Sant ,also in New York pitching for Vince. Meanwhile, Drama invests in a bar near home in NY and we get Martin Scorcese’s cameo as he calls Vince.