Generativity *
Guest post
by vipul sirohi.
It has been a generous proposal from Rehaan to ask me to guest post on his blog. Being dormant at blogging scene, this might just be an initial thrust I needed.
Now the big question was - What should I pen down about? I think my debut post should reflect what possesses my mind the most at this juncture.It has to be my conflict between being called a cheerful youth and a slowed down adult.
Being out of college and thrown on to the real word, does leave me with a few seemingly harmless and invisible heavy baggages. Baggages of a transition of being called a responsibility of someone to being responsible of someone.
Oh! So badly I miss the cheers of a few backing us up for the decisive points in the last quarter of the game of ball. Miss the charm of entering the canteen when we know that there is someone for whom you have come there bunking the session, also knowing that may be someone is out there doing the same for you. Miss the speeches in the huddle of the playing XI just before entering the field and taking on the opposition. Miss being fit enough to run as fast as I can at anytime of the day and to fit into a pair of 32” Levis.
I might sound full of myself for people who had known me from college days, as neither was I great at the ball, nor was a game with girls, nor the motivational leader in cricket, not even the fittest. But that was the beauty of being in college.
You need not be the best, you need not be trying hard, you need not be the charmer, but still you live beautifully in your ecosystem, well accepted, well promoted and well placed. Wish the world of adults would go by these simple rules or rather parameters.
Being a 26 year wiser guy has its own complications.
- You cannot date a girl younger, elder or of same age. Younger – You might be turned down as a looser. Elder – Chances of being caught with a cougar, or being shot by her aghast husband. Same age - Chances are she would have already finalised the name of the pup in the married house or would have got furious of such behaviour from you.
- · You cannot ask any financial or emotional help from your parents.
They might just get hysterical of not being able to raise a child who could manage his own life. Chances are your dad might just be enjoying his time of being a little adventurous in his hard earner life-long savings assured that the offspring will bring spring back in their lives.
- · You cannot just take life as it comes, one practise which you mastered being a college kid.
So what’s the fun being wiser, being given a license to enter the pubs, being accepted to ask for a pack of condoms at store, being considered mature enough of handle situations?
The answer might just lie in a thought which always used to ponder me as a youngster and now I find myself somewhere trapped in between that.
I used to dread it - The vicious circle of life.
You come to life – go to school – trouble your parents – make friends – go to college – meet interesting girls – develop a character – choose a career – struggle in the career – marry a girl – get a (over)dose of sex – get a child – pamper the child – forget about your personal life – cheat on your wife – get bashed by your children – develop a disease – live miserably with your decaying wife – die – get transformed from ration card to obituary.
When you are at one of these stages, you always hate being there and fancy the good life at the next one. I used to always think that I’ll not be trapped in this loop. That I might just manage to break free. But as the brain cells get more furnished, it seems impossible to let loose. Unleash. Jumping on to the next step seems the best possible option.
At times you think an answer can lie in enjoying the means and not worrying about the ends. Don’t we all know this? But still why is it so important for everyone not to focus on these accomplishing means but to look forward and to plan about the next destination of life.
I guess life just keeps on getting more complex and we may frown but still flow with it. Sorry that neither could I find any solace of my complexities, nor could offer the same to anyone.
Cheers to this complexity !
*Generativity in essence describes a self-contained system from which its user draws an independent ability to create, generate, or produce new content unique to that system without additional help or input from the system's original creators.