The most famous graffiti artist for the past few years has been the hooded and mysterious man from Bristol - Banksy, who made the Oscar nominated documentary ‘Exit through the gift shop’ and .Find my previous article on Banksy here.
Lately, Banksy has been involved in a battle on streets with another terrific and revered graffiti artist Robbo who was forced out of his self imposed retirement when Banksy allegedly went after one of his iconic graffiti at the Regents Canal in Camden, London.The graffiti has been there since 1985.Since then, there has been a no holds barred punch and counter punch, tit for tat, curse for ridicule exchanges between these two artists and their supporters.
Robbo, is a well respected artist among street artists and literally a giant at 6’8”.Now in the graffiti scenario, where London authorities are actively erasing new works Robbo’s work had stood the test of time .This was until Banksy decided to do a piece over it.
The original wall graffiti by Robbo done in 1985 below.

Now granted that it was losing the sheen but Banksy went over a ‘landmark’ piece and without the permission of the original artist, which is a complete no no according to graffiti ethos. Banksy’s attempt can be looked in two ways – first, a complete affront of street ethics and insult towards Robbo’s work as he paints over his work to create his own work. Also it can be seen as a retaliation from Banksy towards Robbo quoting for a book that how he slapped Banksy at ' Dragon Bar' for not acknowledging him when they met.

Or secondly, as Banksy supporters put it, Robbo’s was a terribly worn down graffiti and that by actually incorporating it into his piece he has paid a tribute to the original piece.If you notice, the original Robbo graffiti is made to look like a wallpaper that the man that Banksy painted is applying with glue brush onto the wall.Nonetheless, this slight to his iconic piece of art forced Robbo to retaliate.

He used the man painted by Banksy and his finished piece had him painting the wall instead of pasting a wallpaper with his name 'King Robbo'

Next came Banksy’s reply, which was under the belt.

Robbo painted over ‘FUC’

Banksy painted the wall black over it

Banksy painted his 'freedom chair graffiti' over the wall using his trademark stencil work. The exact timelines can be found here on London graffiti site. Soon supporters of Robbo who go the name ‘Team Robbo’ went after several Banksy pieces.Like the Global warming piece and the fishing boy.

The village idiot to retaliate the boy fishing a gloopy Banksy tag.

They also used the rat which made Banksy famous and attacked his style .

Robbo's 'Banksy la rat' piece here implying that his rat work is copied from French artist Blek de Rat (Xavier Prou) who was the pioneering stencil graffiti artist in 1980s .Robbo also questioned the artistic integrity and that he is no graffiti artist as he cheats by using stencils instead of freehand graffiti that Robbo is a genius at.
It is an ongoing battle that is stalled at the moment because Robbo is in a coma and recuperating. Robbo can also be counter criticized to be aiming for Banksy as it gives him attention immediately. It makes for one great story captured in a recent documentary .Do check it out here ..