This is my 108th blog post.
And it is a good number with lots of cultural references attached to it. It is considered sacred in many eastern religions, Sikhish, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Shintoism, Taoism .

According to ayurveda there are 108 pressure points in the body.
In Japan, at the end of the year, a bell is chimed in Buddhist temples to finish the old year and welcome the new one.
There are 108 beads in a rosary.
There are 108 upanishads (ancient Indian sacred texts of wisdom)
There are 108 feelings – 36 each related to past, present and future
There are 12 constellations and 9 arc segments 12x 9 is 108
It is believed that a person must overcome the 108 earthly temptations to achieve nirvana
The atomic weight of silver is 108.
The first manned space flight lasted 108 minutes, on April 12, 1961 Yuri Gagarin, Russian Cosmonaut

It had a recurring appearance in Lost with the 4 8 15 16 23 42 totaling 108 and as the integral part of the Valenzetti Equation
Stonehenge is 108 feet in diameter
It is the toll free emergency number in India.
The highest broadcast band of FM radio is 108 .
An official major league baseball has 108 stitches
There are 108 cards in the UNO game (I love that game)
The spherical angle between Sydney and Los Angeles is 108 degrees plus little more decimals over.
The exterior angles between the points of a pentagram and the interior angles of a pentagon are 108 degrees. In Homer’s ‘The Odyssey’ Odysseus is forced to fight off 108 suitors when he returns to his wife Penelope.