This season on 30 Rock ,I found that there is less and less of TGS and more of Liz’s (Tina Fey)and Jack’s(Alec Baldwin) problems .It was nice when they had to be dealt with simultaneously in the madhouse that is the NBC studio . But now we are seeing less of the studio and more of random plots.
The new addition to the cast has not exactly been a very good decision compounded by the fact that Jenna Maroney is going nowhere and Tracy Jordan has just not been the same. Infact the demented star that Tracy is,he seems bloated and those psycho weird punch lines and histrionics haven’t had the same impact as earlier.
The jokes and one-liners just don’t stack up that well compared to earlier seasons.
The season had infact started off quite well with the season opener smartly titled ‘season 4’ and had set the premise, but somehow it lost steam after 4-5 episodes and it seemed flat to me for a quite a number of episodes .However , 30 Rock has bounced back and shut shop with decent half a dozen bunch of episodes .The finale ‘I do do ’ written by Tina Fey herself was quirky and fun .
30 Rock almost always has had a healthy influx of celeb A-listers making appearances during the course of a season . This time, Julianne Moore has got half a season long arc . I loved Elizabeth Banks’ news anchor role- Avery Jessup ..fantastic skin she has .I have liked her ever since her coquettish bank teller role scenes with Leonardo DiCaprio in ‘Catch me if you can’ .
Of the ones this season, me thinks Matt Damon’s was the shortest and best but it's likely that he won’t return for one too many episodes next winter ..I mean come on, he is Matt Damon !
Though reasonably okay, this season somehow didn’t seem that crisp. And it would be fair to say it has been a bit underwhelming if not disappointing. However they have been renewed for another season and that would be surely be better. And how about a track where Liz Lemon has a steady boyfriend balancing her eccentricities?Wouldn’t that be fun?
Just recently,during her promotion of her movie ‘Date Night’, Tina Fey said that“ its because NBC is so deep in trouble that 30 Rock is on air ”
...now that’s not true ,it’s as good a single camera sitcom as they come and the show has some gas left in the tank for newer episodes. It has been held together by the ever terrific Alec Baldwin playing NBC boss, but there have been rumours that he won’t stay beyond next year ..
Sort that and Season 5 out NBC and Tina Fey..Please