The buzz on Google buzz
What is the buzz? How do you use it? How is it any different?
What is the buzz?
Buzz is the latest attempt at breaking into the global social networking market by tech giants Google. The service, which was unveiled on Tuesday, February 9, pitches the search specialist in direct competition with players like Facebook and Twitter.
Why is it important?
It’s important because of who is launching it. Like Apple, when Google speaks, people tend to sit up and take notice. They’ve already labeled it as “Google's approach to sharing.”
The buzz (pun intended) surrounding the announcement was huge. With twitter and search engines awash with people searching and sharing information from the launch press conference.The immediacy of Buzz also comes from the way it will be rolled out. It also has a head-start on other social networking sites as it is being incorporated into it’s free Gmail service – which already boasts 170 million users. So basically, if you have Gmail, you have buzz.
For further details have at look at the link.
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